Let's Rise Together!
Spice up your next conference or team gathering with healthy doses of FUN & CONNECTION!
People attend conferences not just for the content, but to connect with people in person & have a good time! So next time your members/attendees come together, don’t just sit & wait, hoping that networking will happen automatically.
Unlike typical networking events, LevelUP focuses on creating real connections through activities that help people get out of their comfort zones, sincerely connect, and find ways to support each other.
When we lead with generosity and genuinely want to support others, we create stronger connections and professional friendships that last a lifetime.

Objective: Breaking down barriers for attendees & to enable collaboration through authentic networking
For Teams That Are
- Company or Association Conferences
- Large Team Meetings
- Team Retreats
Objectives & Outcomes
- Break down barriers for attendees
- Create meaningful connections
- Facilitate collaboration
- Teach authentic networking skills
How It Works
LevelUP is the ultimate way to hype up a conference or retreat with CONNECTION & FUN! Through multiple rounds of connection games, facilitated conversations and networking tips, participants will learn what it means to network in an AUTHENTIC way.
This FUN authentic networking session can take place right in your office or at any locally scheduled event, conference, retreat, etc. All materials provided and teams of 8-250+ can be accommodated. There are 4 components in creating a more joyous and connected team:
- LevelUP Card - When the participants arrive everyone will get a “LevelUP Card” to fill out. which includes their goal, current challenge and 3 gifts they can offer to others.
- Authentic Networking: Multiple rounds of facilitated ‘authentic networking throughout the 2 days. Each round will consist of:
i) FUN Group Icebreakers Games: (partners or in small groups) to break down barriers, create team bonds and get to know each other.
ii) A ‘Deep’ Question’* to answer to connect on a human level - Lead By Giving: Timed exchanges using the LevelUp Cards (partners identified through games). Participants will present, exchange and support each other though their LevelUP Cards.
- Fun Finale: Finally we run one final fun team building session to end on a positive high energy note!

*E.g. of ‘Deep Question’ : ‘How do you Motivate Yourself?’ ‘What Are you Most Grateful For Right Now?’ ‘What’s the Best Gift or Advice you’ve ever received?’
LevelUP PLAYshop Outline
Intro: Participants to fill Out LevelUP Card beforehand – 1st Side to create ‘Pitch’ (ie. Goal, Challenge and Gifts).
Opening Activity: Thumbgrabz
Big Idea: Lead Through Giving (If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together)
What is Authentic Networking & Importance
Creating Connections (Vulnerability, physical touch and play). Body Heart and mind.
Icebreaker Games: Alien Tiger Cow, Partnesia, Bday Commonalities
Authentic Networking: 1 timed round. Find a partner through the game and answer deep questions + present/exchange cards.
Game/Activity: Extremes - Small groups or within rows - Arranging according to criteria (e.g. Science vs Art, Introvert/Extrovert etc). These can be tailored.
Authentic Networking: 1-3 timed rounds. Find a partner through the game and answer deep questions + present/exchange cards.
Game/Activity: Partnesia - Moving around with music, finding different partners to form creative greetings with.
Authentic Networking: 1-3 timed rounds. Find a partner through the game and answer deep questions present/exchange cards.
Game/Activity: Story Builders: In small groups, create a story one sentence at a time with positive reinforcement. (e.g Title of story: The design that changed the world’)
Sample Games: 1-3 timed rounds. Find a partner through game and present/exchange cards.
Playful Finale*: High Energy Large Group Games - Stranger Walk Medley, Groupie RPS, Shapemakers (small group, big group), Flock Dance
Wrap Up: All Playshops include a Recap, Takeaways, and HomePlay!
* PLAYful Finales only available for PLAYshops longer than 3 hours
1 Hour
Groups up to 50 People +$40/additional Person
- Icebreakers
- 2 Rnds. Authentic Networking 2
- 2-3 Group Games
- Mini High Energy FINALE
1.5 Hours
Groups up to 50 People + $50/additional Person
- Icebreakers
- 3 Rnds. Authentic Networking 2
- 3-4 Group Games
- High Energy FINALE
2 Hours
Groups up to 50 People +$60/additional Person
- Icebreakers
- 4 Rnds. Authentic Networking 2
- 4 - 6 Group Games
- High Energy FINALE
*Discounts for large groups (100+), startups, schools, social enterprises, and non-profits. Let's chat and figure out your needs.
**Customization, travel costs, or location rentals are extra. Reinforcement programs are available at $1000/hr.